Broken Bone and Fracture Lawyer
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Guaranteed lifetime payment secured for an eleven-year-old girl from the Caribbean who was seriously injured after being struck by a van while crossing the street. The client sustained a fracture of the left wrist and underwent surgery to her knee and lower back.
New York Broken Bone & Fracture Lawyer
Bone fractures, commonly called broken bones, are painful injuries that take a long time to heal. Fractured bones also leave the victim more susceptible to other health risks. If you’ve suffered a bone fracture in New York, NY, and believe another party is to blame for your injury, it’s vital to know your rights and options.
Types of Bone Fractures
Most bone fracture injuries result from slips and falls or other accidents. Diseases that degrade the structural integrity of bones, such as osteoporosis, cause pathological fractures. As we age, we become less resilient to injuries, and our bones become more brittle. Older individuals are especially susceptible to bone fractures after falls and such injuries take much longer to heal in older victims. Conversely, children’s bones tend to have more elasticity, because they are still growing, making them more resilient to fractures. The type of fracture usually depends on the kind of injury sustained. Compression fractures, in which the bone is crushed, typically affect the softer bones of the spine, and the likelihood of such fractures increases with age. Greenstick fractures refer to injuries in which the bone does not completely break due to its ability to bend. Greenstick fractures are most common in children. Stress fractures happen when someone endures repetitive injuries or consistent stress to one area of the body. Seriously traumatic injuries may result in com-minuted fractures, meaning the bone is broken into several pieces. Such injuries will require massive amounts of medical intervention, including surgeries and rehabilitative therapies, depending on the fracture location. Bone fractures generally are open or closed. A closed or “clean” fracture describes any broken bone injury in which the bone does not damage the surrounding tissue or break the skin. An open or “compound” fracture describes any broken bone injury that causes pieces of the bone to injure the surrounding tissues or break the skin. Compound fractures are serious injuries that demand immediate emergency medical intervention. If you or someone with you suffers an injury, and you notice any of the following symptoms, call an ambulance as soon as possible:
- Severe pain
- Swelling at the injury site
- Bruising or discoloration
- Limbs bent at unnatural angles
- Inability to move the affected body region
- Inability to apply pressure or put weight on the affected body region
- Bleeding or obviously protruding bones
- Dizziness
- Nausea
Consult a broken bone & fracture attorney in New York
If you’ve suffered a bone fracture, you likely face a difficult path to recovery. Depending on the location of your fracture, you may have trouble getting to work or completing basic daily tasks. In some cases, you may not be able to return to work or carry on your daily routine until the fracture heals. Serious fractures may necessitate subsequent surgeries, physical therapy, and other rehabilitative measures. Bone fractures also sometimes heal in the wrong position or shift during healing. A child who suffers a severe bone fracture may face stunted growth in that region of the body, or the bone may continue to grow incorrectly. Surgery may become necessary if the bone or bone marrow if exposure causes an infection, such as with a compound fracture that breaks the skin. If your broken bone injury was the result of someone else’s reckless behavior, there is no reason for you to bear the burden of recovery and the related expenses alone. Similarly, if your health care provider fails to treat your bone fracture properly and it heals incorrectly, or you develop other complications due to negligent medical care, you need to know your rights and legal options. Call the New York personal injury lawyers at Omrani & Taub, P.C., at (718) 714-1515 today for a consultation, and we can discuss what type of compensation you may be able to collect for your bone fracture injury.
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