Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer
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Guaranteed lifetime payment secured for an eleven-year-old girl from the Caribbean who was seriously injured after being struck by a van while crossing the street. The client sustained a fracture of the left wrist and underwent surgery to her knee and lower back.
New York Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer
Like most cities near New York City, traffic in New York can be intense. Driver inattention, distraction, and negligence can easily lead to a devastating car accident in the blink of an eye. Stop-and-go traffic is a common setting for distracted driving car accidents, as mobile use continues to increase behind the wheel. Going at a slow speed, this kind of distraction can critically injure or kill pedestrians and bicyclists. Going at a fast speed, it can cause catastrophic collisions.
Driver distraction has been a growing problem nationwide. As the rate of mobile technology use increases, so does the rate of car accidents. Out of 254,829 total crashes in New York in 2014, driver inattention and distraction were the leading cause of 48,774 of them – or 19.1%. Of these accidents, 100 were fatal and 24,201 involved personal injuries. The leading causes of driver distraction in these cases were, in order from first to last:
- Outside car distraction
- Passenger distraction
- Cell phone use (handheld)
- Other electronic device use
- Eating or drinking
- Texting
- Cell phone use (hands-free)
Common Distracted Driving Accident Injuries
Distracted driving accidents can be severe, especially when they involve pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Drivers who aren’t paying attention to the road often don’t have time to hit their brakes before impact, leading to a higher-speed collision and more severe injuries. These drivers often fail to yield the right-of-way and cut other drivers off while making left turns. All these factors contribute to the high rate of injury with these crashes. A personal injury case in New York must meet a serious injury threshold to be an exception to our state’s no-fault accident rules. The no-fault rule restricts accident victims whose injuries do not meet the threshold to receiving a settlement from his or her insurance company. To qualify as an exception, your injuries must:
- Significantly limit the use of body systems or functions
- Permanently limit the use of body organs or members
- Lead to full disability for at least 90 days
- Include bone fracture
- Result in significant disfigurement
File a case for Injuries caused by a Distracted Driving Accident in New York
No matter what type of injury you sustain in a distracted driving accident, you should call the Law Offices of Omrani & Taub, P.C., for a consultation. Our New York personal injury lawyers can help negotiate your case in your best interest, with insurance companies and in court. If your injuries qualify you to file a claim against a negligent defendant, your attorney will walk you through the claims process and begin gathering evidence against the at-fault driver. To win a settlement for a car accident case in New York, you need the help of a competent attorney. Call Omrani & Taub, P.C., at (212) LAW-SUIT or (718) 714-1515 for a free personal injury consultation with one of our lead attorneys.
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